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Monthly Archives: October 2006
Miskonsepsi Kepahlawanan
Pahlawan dan Sejarah pun Butuh Humas!
Apakah ini berarti bangsa kita lebih menghargai perjuangan kekerasan daripada perjuangan intelektual? Semoga saja tidak. Keduanya jelas sangat penting dalam perjuangan pembentukan bangsa dan negara, tapi sudah saatnya kita masyarakatkan bahwa kemerdekaan kita dan usaha para pahlawan tidak melulu bersimpah darah melainkan juga sederetan perjuangan intelektual dan diplomasi.
Posted in Business & Society, Indonesia Tagged humas, komunikasi, pahlawan
Reputasi Hukum
Antara Masyarakat dan Penegak Hukum
Pasca gerakan reformasi, banyak pihak berharap supremasi hukum dapat ditegakkan dengan alat-alat hukumnya yang berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya, tidak lagi basa-basi semasa orde baru. Sayangnya, institusi-institusi penegak hukum di negara ini sampai sekarang masih belum memiliki reputasi yang sungguh-sungguh berwibawa, dihormati, dan disegani. Padahal reputasi semacam itu adalah salah satu prasyarat untuk mereka dapat menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik. Kehadiran polisi di jalan raya masih sering dilecehkan, otoritas jaksa kerap diacuhkan, dan vonis hakim tidak jarang diragukan.
Posted in Business & Society, Indonesia Tagged hukum, komunikasi, reputasi
Roaring Asia
The (Un)Sustainability of Growth
At a glance, significant economic indicators of Asian countries may seem to lead them to prosperous states. The medium and long term question is then whether the growth socially and environmentally sustainable? Welfare is more than just dollars or yuans; it is also about the human and the nature – two elements that are not reaping much benefit from the vast growth in Asia . Concerns on ever-widening economic and social gap lurk in as well as environmental degradation.
Posted in Business & Society Tagged Asia, environmental degradation, growth, inequality, sustainability
Reviewing Forbes Indonesia's List
Conglomerate Responsibility to Society and Environment
A wealth of trillions of rupiah for almost all the population of the country is nothing more than a fairy tale. However for those who are privileged enough to have it ought to bear in mind a modern fairy tale’s saying of Spider-Man, “With great power comes great responsibility”…
Posted in Business & Society, Indonesia Tagged CSR, Indonesia
Menilik Daftar Forbes
Tanggung Jawab Konglomerat atas Masyarakat dan Lingkungan
Jumlah kekayaan sebesar puluhan trilyun bagi hampir seluruh penduduk Nusantara adalah bagaikan dongeng. Tapi paling tidak bagi mereka yang memilikinya semoga mereka juga mencamkan nasihat dongeng mutakhir Spider-Man, “With great power comes great responsibility”, tanggung jawab besar menyertai kekuasaan yang besar…
Posted in Business & Society, Editorial Tagged CSR, Forbes
Lecture of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
Faith, Reason and the University -Memories and Reflections
"...While we rejoice in the new possibilities open to humanity, we also see the dangers arising from these possibilities and we must ask ourselves how we can overcome them. We will succeed in doing so only if reason and faith come together in a new way, if we overcome the self-imposed limitation of reason to the empirically verifiable, and if we once more disclose its vast horizons. In this sense theology rightly belongs in the university and within the wide-ranging dialogue of sciences, not merely as a historical discipline and one of the human sciences, but precisely as theology, as inquiry into the rationality of faith."
Posted in Miscellaneous Tagged Benedict, faith, Pope, reason, university
Konstitusionalisasi Kontrak Perdata