Monthly Archives: March 2011

The Antarctic Series

Part 3: Looking Back at the Preparation

Like any trip to the wilderness, good preparation counts for over half of the success of the expedition. Preparing for this trip brought some sense of deja-vu to the times when I was in the mountainering club in my high school in Jakarta many years ago. The difference is that I always went to somewhere in the tropics, and I was quite a few kilograms less back then. Fortunately this trip will not be as physically demanding compared to the mountaineering trips I did (I surely hope I am right on this).
Posted in Climate Change |
The Antarctic Series

Part 2: Antarctic Trivia

This post is really just some random trivia about Antarctic that I found interesting. Just to be clear, Antarctic is the one in the south. Arctic is the one in the north.
Posted in Climate Change |
The Antarctic Series

Part 1: Childishly Excited

The Antarctic series will touch upon issues of climate change and energy challenge, but also the experience of being part of the International Antarctic Expedition 2011.
Posted in Climate Change |