Mengenali Kembali Bahasa Indonesia

Bahasa Kebangsaan yang Merakyat dan Supel

”jang dinamakan ‘Bahasa Indonesia’ jaitoe bahasa Melajoe jang soenggoehpoen pokoknja berasal dari ‘Melajoe Riaoe’ akan tetapi jang soedah ditambah, dioebah ataoe dikoerangi menoeroet keperloean zaman dan alam baharoe ..."
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Encouraging Our Youth to Experience the Wildlife

Youth and Nature: Strangers to One Another?

It won't be surprising if only a small fraction of our city youth can relate to the smell of growing leaves, gentleness of morning dew, and rejuvenating fresh air. But encouraging our youth to experience the wildlife is by far not to turn them into treehuggers; on the contrary, it is to equip them to strike the right balance between modern living (which will become more and more "modern" in their lifetime) and environment. Moreover, invaluable leadership and character building are almost inevitable to be gained by those who undertake a journey to the wildlife.
Posted in Youth | Tagged , |
By: Kishore Mahbubani

Indonesia Has Played a Heroic Role in the Transformation of Asia

I have no doubts that Indonesia will be part of this great transformation of Asia. Indeed, Indonesia has already played a heroic role in the transformation of Asia. lt has successfully made one of the most difficult transitions any society has to make: the transition to full democracy. This is a remarkable story which has not been fully understood by the world.
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Prayer for Interfaith Meetings

God of all creation, we stand in awe before You, impelled by visions of the harmony of humanity. We are children of many traditions – inheritors of shared wisdom and tragic misunderstandings, of proud hopes and humble successes.
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Land of Wonders, Sea of Sensations

A Lovable Indonesia

Indonesia. A land of wonders, a sea of sensations. A spectacular display of nature at its finest. A grand gesture of warmth and kindness of the more than 200 million lives that call Indonesia home. An astounding assortment of rich history and genuine desire for a brighter future.
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Cross-Cultural Management

Komunikasi dan Manajemen Lintas Budaya

Semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika memiliki dua elemen yaitu perbedaan dan kesatuan. Jangan kita menafikan perbedaan dengan hidup dalam ilusi bahwa terdapat satu budaya Indonesia, tetapi let’s cherish and manage the differences. Rule of thumb setiap kali kita berinteraksi dengan budaya-budaya yang berbeda adalah: it’s not right, it’s not wrong, it’s just different.
Posted in Business & Society, Miscellaneous | Tagged , , |
A Thank You Note

Who Knew?

For all its pivotal utilities, the calendar system also sets benchmarks in our lives so that we can see our life journey in sections like days, months, and years. It enables us to review our past and plan for the future. But most of the time we do not know the full extent of what we do today will bring us in the future. Just like we didn’t know that something small in the past actually brought something we value dearly.
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By: Wimar Witoelar

Suharto Escapes Trial, But Indonesia Does Not

This is the original version of the article that appears on the back page of TIME magazine (Asia edition Vol. 171, No. 6, February 11,2008). The edited version is published under the title "The Soeharto Effect". Different emphasis, related message. Suharto did a lot of good, but his corruption and atrocities did permanent damage to Indonesia. TIME omitted references to the implications for today's public.
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Ilustrasi Soeharto dan “The Last Supper”

Perlukah Tempo Minta Maaf?

Kiranya iman umat Kristiani dan umat beriman lainnya (beriman tidak sama dengan beragama) jauh lebih mendalam ketimbang interpretasi sebuah karya seni buatan manusia. Umat beriman tidak akan mudah tersinggung ketika karya manusia dijadikan anekdot, sebab iman mereka bersumber dari Yang Maha Illahi dan bukan sekedar ikon dekoratif – karya seorang maestro sekalipun.
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    Dove from the insignia

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