Prayer for Interfaith Meetings

God of all creation,
we stand in awe before You,
impelled by visions of the harmony of humanity.

We are children of many traditions –
inheritors of shared wisdom and tragic misunderstandings,
of proud hopes and humble successes.

Now it is time for us to meet –
in memory and truth,
in courage and trust,
in love and promise.

In that which we share,
let us see the common prayer of humanity;
in that which we differ, let us wonder at human freedom;
in our unity and our differences,
let us know the uniqueness that is God.

May our courage match our convictions,
and our integrity match our hopes.

May our faith in You bring us closer to each other.

May our meeting with past and present
bring blessing for the future.


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  • Byline

    Michael is a professional leader in the fields of energy investments, complex commercial deals, and sustainability with extensive international experience. His personal interests span from socio-political issues, history, and culture.

  • From the Archives

    Antara Masyarakat dan Penegak Hukum

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