Michael is a professional leader in the fields of energy investments, complex commercial deals, and sustainability with extensive international experience. His personal interests span from socio-political issues, history, and culture.
From the Archives
“I Love You with All My… Liver?!”
By michael on 14/02/2006
Apabila Anda merasa aneh, geli, atau bahkan mentertawakan judul diatas, maka tertawakanlah bahasa kita sendiri. Entah sudah berapa dekade ungkapan ‘lucu’ semacam itu sebenarnya dipakai secara luas dalam bahasa Indonesia, baik sebagai ungkapan perasaan yang paling romantis, syair lagu dan puisi, sampai ke slogan-slogan pemasaran komersial.
Category: Editorial
The Rectors Forum Reaches Indonesian Community Abroad
The notion was made clear by the Chairman of the Indonesian Rectors Forum, Sofian Effendi in a meeting with Indonesian students and professionals during his visit in the Netherlands. The meeting that was also attended by Roch Basoeki, Presidium of Barisan Nasional, discussed the outcomes of the third Campus Convention and the ninth Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Rectors Forum (Konvensi Kampus ke-3 dan Temu Tahunan ke-9 Forum Rektor Indonesia).
The Convention aims to readdress the reformation movement based on national identity; which is very much in line with the intention of the Indonesian community in the Netherlands that wishes to actively contribute to the development of the country by utilizing European potentials. This aspiration will enable the nation to turn brain drain into brain gain. The meeting also discussed the importance of cooperations with a community-to-community approach.
“In its relation with Indonesia, the Netherlands has a strategic potential as a gateway to the European Union that is gaining influence in the international arena”, explained Sofian that is also the Rector of Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta. He continued by bringing up Indonesia’s geostrategic potentials for the coming three decades. The cooperation according to Sofian is imperative as means to accomplish a world that embraces social justice.
To follow up, the Indonesian community in the Netherlands will hold a series of workshops involving both Indonesian and Dutch communities in the Netherlands. The workshops will map impending mutual cooperatives among the two countries based on equality.
The meeting with Sofian Effendi was concluded with a commitment between the Indonesian community in the Netherlands and the Indonesian Rectors Forum to hold intensive communication in synchronizing the collective efforts. ***
Schiphol, 6 September 2006
Setyo Budiantoro
Michael Putrawenas
Hellena Souisa