Twenty-three Years of Learning and Moving On

Thank You to You All

Twenty-three years –a flash in time for some, an eternity for others. For me at the moment, it’s simply my entire living journey -a journey in which I am grateful for all its joy and sorrow, its hardships and pleasure, as well as its passion and madness.

As the clock hit 00.01 Central European Time on April 8 yesterday, my phones were restless. Calls and text messages from different continents started to pour in. Electronic mailbox also had its share of incoming greetings. Losing a couple hours of good sleep was a very cheap price to pay for embracing thoughtful and kind wishes from dear families and friends.

It is also because of them that the past years have been filled with countless learning experience -experience that is invaluable and much appreciated. I’ve shared opinions and views with many, laughs and tears with some, and love and devotion with few. All of which I value as they paint my canvas of life with exquisite colors.

Fellas, I can’t express enough my sincere gratitude to you all for everything. It has been one heck of a ride for the past twenty-three years, and it’s just the beginning. One thing is for sure: if we’re always at each other’s side, then I damn look forward to exploring the years to come!

Again, my dear friends: thank you.

Rotterdam, 9 April 2006,

Michael C.N.C.G. Putrawenas

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  • Byline

    Michael is a professional leader in the fields of energy investments, complex commercial deals, and sustainability with extensive international experience. His personal interests span from socio-political issues, history, and culture.

  • From the Archives

    Memasarkan Indonesia Kedalam dan Keluar

    Hampir 80 tahun yang lalu, 28 Oktober 1928, berbagai elemen pemuda Indonesia berikrar satu tanah air, satu bangsa dan satu bahasa: Indonesia. Mungkin perlu juga praktisi komunikasi dan periklanan kini memiliki semangat satu merek: Indonesia.