T20 Indonesia 2022 Policy Brief:

A climate change investment treaty amongst carbon-critical countries

The unprecedented investment gap in energy transition requires an additional US$2 trillion/year more investment in energy systems. This investment must be focused on carbon-critical countries if the world is to see change at the required scale and pace. A growing number of private and public investors are persuaded, but they lack the certainty necessary to justify taking the economic and political risks inherent in energy-transition investment. This paper proposes a novel approach to a proven concept of more than 3,000 investment treaties currently operational: a Climate Change Investment Treaty, focused on protecting carbon-critical investment in carbon-critical countries to help navigate the wicked problem that is energy transition.

Below is a link to a policy brief co-developed with Reg Fowler for the G20 Summit of 2022, as part of the T20 publication:


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  • Byline

    Michael is a professional leader in the fields of energy investments, complex commercial deals, and sustainability with extensive international experience. His personal interests span from socio-political issues, history, and culture.

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    Sebuah Kekeliruan Mortal

    Sistem hukum Indonesia pun masih mengakui keabsahan hukuman mati, dan juga masih melaksanakan eksekusi dengan regu tembak. Tulisan ini akan mencoba menunjukkan betapa keadaan status quo adalah suatu kekeliruan yang sangat berbahaya dan tidak ada lagi argumen signifikan untuk mempertahankannya, baik secara umum apalagi secara khusus dalam konteks sistem hukum Indonesia. Rasa keadilan bagi korban seharusnya cukup dipuaskan dengan proses hukum yang adil, pembuktian yang sah, dan hukuman setimpal (seumur hidup misalnya). Rasa dendam? Bukanlah tugas negara untuk memuaskan rasa dendam.