Merit-based vs. Populistic Government?

A hypothesis:

A merit-based government could be perceived less successful in good times because it does not give what the people “want”, but protect their “needs”.

Whereas in times of crisis, the merit-based government is able to deliver what the people truly needs.

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  • Byline

    Michael is a professional leader in the fields of energy investments, complex commercial deals, and sustainability with extensive international experience. His personal interests span from socio-political issues, history, and culture.

  • From the Archives

    Bangsa Indonesia Kini Bangsa Pengeluh?!

    Sebetulnya bukan sesuatu yang baru jika kita menjumpai saudara sebangsa –atau bahkan mungkin kita sendiri– merasa minder atau inferior jika berhadapan dengan bangsa asing. Entah itu berhadapan tatap muka, diplomasi politik, atau bahkan antar tatanan sosial. Sering pula kita dengar atau baca sitiran saudara sebangsa betapa corat-marut nya Indonesia ini, bahkan tak ayal sampai terlepas dari proporsi dan kian merendahkan bangsa sendiri sambil mengagungkan bangsa lain.