Contemplation of a believer

Creed in a Loving God

I believe in a loving God. A God whose love is infinite, and whose love works in ways beyond human comprehension.

I believe that we experience God and his love unconstrained by time and space.

I believe that God grants us all intelligence and talents to be progressed and to help other men. He made humans with extraordinary minds, beautiful conscience, and delicate souls – all of which driven by free will to be used for the benefit of others in the spirit of love. The same gifts are also to be used in balance to experience Him.

I believe God’s power and love are far more reaching than any human endeavor throughout history, that His Truths are too majestic to be claimed only by any one denomination.

I believe that every individual may find God and His grace through unique paths that only He can guide.

I believe that life in this world is a journey with Him in the everlasting quest to make it better. So help me God.

Jerusalem, Christmas of 2013 A.D.

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  • Byline

    Michael is a professional leader in the fields of energy investments, complex commercial deals, and sustainability with extensive international experience. His personal interests span from socio-political issues, history, and culture.

  • From the Archives

    A Tribute to All Parents

    Tanggal 29 Juni 2007 nanti menandai tepat 40 hari wafatnya ayah terkasih yang dipanggil Sang Khalik pada 21 Mei 2007. Bertepatan dengan itu dan untuk mendoakan orang tua kita semua -baik yang masih bersama kita maupun yang sudah menyelesaikan tugasnya di dunia- saya dengan rendah hati mengundang teman-teman sekalian pada: